Monday, January 16, 2012

I've moved!

I'm not sure what you'll find more surprising, the fact that I'm posting something new here,
or the news that I've got a whole new place for my blogging efforts to reside. Either way, I hope you'll follow me over to my new home on the Web: !

It's a brand new site with all sorts of fun features, and more on the way. One new facet I'll explain soon is the Lake of the Month voting poll that will allow you and anyone you can convince to join you to vote on the lake, city area, or coastline I cut next for the shop.

Mad props to my Cap-G Geek hubby for helping me migrate to the new .com, and in advance for the tech help I'll very likely need as I go along.

I appreciate all of you who have ever visited this blog, especially those who may have subscribed and have been patient readers over the last two+ years. Thank you! Now, c'mon over!

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